I te marama o Hepetema 2019, ko te tuara o te paetukutuku a-waho oDFLZMT5 evoon the opening day. Whakaahua Pikitia nga kaihoko o waho ki te koa, kei muri i te pikitia, engari ko te DFLzM Oversean Team Team Team Team Suctional Scount.
DFLZMI whiwhihia e te roopu hokohoko o te ao mai i a Mr. Jail mai i Azerbaijan, uiui mo nga hua T5 SUV. As the purchasing manager of a large multinational automobile trading company, Mr. Jalil is seeking to establish a distribution network of Chinese brand automobiles in potential markets. I tenei wa, kei te whakapā atu ia ki nga motuka motuka motuka Hainamana. At this time, Mr. Jalil's target is the KD market in Oman, but because our company has a strong agent in the local market, Therefore, the client is advised to consider seeking cooperation opportunities in other markets.
T5 evoKi a Mr. Jail. T5 EVO, as a masterpiece of craftsmanship, quickly gained Mr. Jalil's favor with its stylish and beautiful appearance, excellent quality, cost-effective interior and exterior decoration, and good reputation in overseas markets.
Na te paanga o te mate uruta, kaore i taea e Mr. Jail te toro i te haerenga mara ki Haina, na reira i nui ake ai te ratonga. Customers have never stopped the negotiation with rival brands, and our overseas marketing team's timely response and positive service attitude have established customers' trust in Dongfeng Fashion brand. Hei mutunga, i te Hanuere 2022, i muri tata atu ki te 3 nga tau whakawhitiwhiti, ka tukuna e Mr. Jalil tetahi ota mo te 5 t5evo + 2 t5 prototypes.
I te Oketopa 28, 2022, ko DongFeeng te ahurewa i te wa i te timatanga o te whakatuwhera. Kotahi te T5 evo i hokona i runga i te ra whakatuwhera ngoikore! Tikina te rongopai pai o te 1 hoko mai i nga kaihoko, DFLzm Outseas Kaihoko o te umanga Wechat Group Bowing! He maha nga whatunga kaihoko, mai i te kowhatu, mai i te iti ki te nui ki te mahi, he waimarie, ka taea te tipu o ta tatou kapa hokohoko ki nga kaihoko!
Te wa tuku: Nov-26-2022